your administrative partner

With me as your assistant you will receive personal, efficient and flexible assistance enabling you to focus on running and expanding your business.

By outsourcing administrative tasks to me, you will have access to qualified support designed to suit your specific needs and budget.

Why hire me?

use your time wisely

In a collaboration with me there are no hidden costs and you will only pay for the agreed, effective work hours.

Further, there are no added employee costs such as pension, holiday pay, sickness benefits or costs related to office space or IT equipment such a laptop, monitor, phone as well as the usual employee perks.

Administrative tasks take time, time is money and thus, is a valuable resource when being self-employed in particular. By delegating time-consuming administrative tasks to me, you are freeing up time for what is most important, which is running and expanding your business..

I offer a wide set of skills and am therefore able to take on many assignments in your company which would normally be undertaken by several, individual suppliers at a much higher cost.

I take pride in my work and always aim to deliver service of the highest standard.

I further assist my clients with an extra pair of eyes in double-checking their work when and if required.

I have large professional and personal networks, which give me direct and quick access to some of the best qualified agents from a variety of industries, some of which are my own collaborative partners.

added benefits


I offer very flexible terms which allow for uncomplicated adjustment of expected work hours on a short notice.

Personal, dedicated assistance

With me by your side you receive personal, dedicated assistance designed to suit your specific needs and requirements.


One of the most important factors for healthy collaboration to me is that my clients can feel absolutely secure in working with me. For this reason, confidentiality is always part of any agreement I enter into and may vary depending on whether a client brings their own confidentiality agreement..


When working on a virtual basis, I avoid affecting the climate negatively by not transporting myself to and from your company.

remote OR ONSITE SUPport

I usually work from my home office in Frederiksberg, but I also work onsite for those of my clients who require a physical resource in the workplace.

What is a virtual assistant?

A virtual assistant is a self-employed specialist, who works from a remote location and deliver services based on the client’s specifications..

Personal assistants have always worked closely with their employer, both literally and geographically. With the rise of a global economy, shared workspaces and technology such as Skype and the Cloud, it’s no longer
always necessary or practical for employees to work in-house. As most business operations and interactions are done online, a virtual PA is fast becoming a valuable resource for companies of all shapes and sizes.

Virtual assistants work in a similar way to their onsite predecessors, but instead of being constrained in your office, they can work for your business from anywhere in the world.

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Uanset om jeg arbejder i kapacitet som dataansvarlig eller databehandler, er jeg bekendt med de skærpede krav til behandling af personoplysninger og reglerne i databeskyttelsesforordningen.

Se Datatilsynets vejledning her:
Vejledning om dataansvarlige og databehandlere

Jeg arbejder med adskillige lag IT-sikkerhed som f.eks. kryptering, to-faktor autentifikation samt dagligt skiftende ip-adresser.

Jeg opholder mig aldrig i det offentlige rum, mens jeg arbejder.

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